How cam make Methamphetamine and sell it

Black silk Team Black silk Team Black silk Team · 1403/06/02 12:49 ·

International Black Silk Group - representative of the Middle East

In the past years, due to the proxy wars and economic wars, the power of the drug distribution teams has changed dramatically, and we have also tried to stay in the market in this change, and with the development of the team in the international space, new methods have been developed. We have created to interact with other teams.
We have introduced idealistic methods in the team and we have tried our best to bring more science into our teams every day.
Now, in all our teams, productions are taught in laboratories, and completely unlike other groups, we have put more quality on our agenda.
From now on, all the members of the Black Silk team study chemistry before production and produce with science, and all products are offered with real purity, so that we have gone further and will produce narcotics that are also used in the field of medicine. And due to the cooperation of pharmaceutical companies in some countries, we are trying to expand our sales
We have been able to introduce drugs such as methamphetamine with a purity of 70 to 95%, removing the burning smell and replacing it with a very fascinating smell, which is called Maga.
What is maga?
Purified maga methamphetamine is 86 to 94%, by removing all harmful metal elements and bad for health, we have been able to offer safe consumption to the buyer with this purity and add a new smell to methamphetamine by adding a non-harmful combination. Like a citrus fruit that emits even when it burns and increases the pleasure of consumption tenfold.
When ISIS entered the international supply of narcotics and took over the share of many sellers, the Middle East market experienced tensions, which inevitably affected other parts of the world as well, and products that did not have a clear origin and it was not known what the substance was. they sell instead of methamphetamine, and without science and laboratories, they completely caused problems for the health of the world community by combining pre-determined substances, and its destructive effects can be seen in the world community, but black silk with the least claim and movement in the shadows and Observance of the maximum security coefficients, completely safe and compassionate, is erasing this stigma from the consumption of the Middle East. We don't just make slogans, we are looking for money, but we believe that we cannot earn good money until we present a good idea and product.
We invite all the micro teams of the Middle East to join us and find the market from our side by changing the production method and changing the production laboratories and by observing the established security protocols in all cases, learn the correct way to interact with the market and customers. to see
We are watching you, our eyes see you, but you just move towards us

Black silk group - representative of the Middle East